A Complete Guide To Design Patterns In Kotlin: Composite Design Pattern
Tutorial on composite design pattern with code example In Kotlin
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Tutorial on composite design pattern with code example In Kotlin
Posted by Baraa Abuzaid
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Tutorial on composite design pattern with code example In Kotlin
A composite design pattern is built upon two principles in object-oriented programming. First, decomposition by breaking a whole into parts. Then generalization which generalizing multiple objects and abstract them into classes that have similar behaviors.
In the composite pattern, we have objects of different types. one object could be composed by another object in a tree-like manner. However, all the objects adhere to a supertype an interface or an abstract class. And that ensures a uniformity when dealing with these objects.
The uniformity is a key here which allows you to deal with these composite object without having to check for the type. I think a UML class diagram for the composite pattern will make it clear. More about UML class diagram can be found here, in the UML class diagram focused article
From the UML class diagram, we see that we have two classes a Composite class
and a Leaf class
and both are implementing the same interface
. Whereas, the composite class also contains an aggregate of IComponent
class, this could be a list of type IComponent
A practical example for the composite pattern could be implemented in a movie player. where you could have PlayList class
and Movie class
both are having same behaviors like play()
. Furthermore, we could let both classes implement a IMedia interface
. In this case Movie class
will be the leaf class and PlayList
is a composite class, hence it could be composed of a movie or another playlist. Thus, the UML class diagram will be like
And now what’s left is to implement the above example that shows the composite design pattern into a Kotlin code.
interface IMedia {
fun play()
fun displaySubtitle()
fun setPlaySpeed(speed:Float)
fun getName() :String
class Movie(val title:String):IMedia {
private var speed = 1f
override fun play() {
println("Now playing: ${title}...")
override fun displaySubtitle() {
println("display subtitle")
override fun setPlaySpeed(speed:Float) {
this.speed = speed
println("current play speed set to: $speed")
override fun getName(): String {
return title
class PlayList(val title:String):IMedia {
var movieList:MutableList<IMedia> = mutableListOf()
fun addNewMedia(media:IMedia) = movieList.add(media)
fun removeMedia(media: IMedia){
movieList = movieList.filter{ it.getName() != media.getName() }.toMutableList()
override fun play() {
movieList.forEach { it.play() }
override fun displaySubtitle() {
println("display certain subtitle")
override fun setPlaySpeed(speed: Float) {
movieList.forEach { it.setPlaySpeed(speed) }
override fun getName(): String {
return title
fun main(args:Array<String>){
val actionMoviePlayList:PlayList = PlayList("Action Movies")
val movieB:IMedia = Movie("The Dark Knight")
val movieC:IMedia = Movie("Inception")
val movieD:IMedia = Movie("The Matrix")
actionMoviePlayList.apply {
val dramaPlayList:PlayList = PlayList("Drama Play List")
val movie1:IMedia = Movie("The Godfather")
val movie2:IMedia = Movie("The Shawshank Redemption")
dramaPlayList.apply { addNewMedia(movie1);addNewMedia(movie2) }
val myPlayList:PlayList = PlayList("My Play List")
myPlayList.apply {
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