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A Complete Guide To Design Patterns: Façade Design Pattern

A Complete Guide To Design Patterns: Façade Design Pattern

The Façade design pattern is a structural design pattern. It reduces coupling and improves code readability.

Baraa Abuzaid
Baraa Abuzaid
A Complete Guide To Design Patterns: Façade...


The Façade design pattern is a structural design pattern. It reduces coupling and improves code readability. you are very likely to use the Façade pattern when you would like to simplify the interaction between subsystems and a client-class. It is considerably useful in places where you don’t want to manage the complexity of subsystems in a client-class or even just to hide the complexity of a subsystem.

Generally, here are the steps to effectively implements a Façade pattern:

1- Design an interface that defines the main action of the subsystem.
2- Subsystems should then implements the interface.
3- Create a Façade class the wraps the classes that implement the interface
4- Use the faced class to access the subsystem.


Let’s discuss a scenario in which we are creating a feature’s rich note taking App where the user could create notes, reminders, and memos. We cloud identify three subsystems Note-class and a Reminder-class and Memo-class. Moreover, these three classes could adhere to IPost Interface. That has the following sets of actions create() , update() , delete() and read().
Then we could wrap the IPost interface with Facade class that’ll micromanage the interaction between the Client class and Subsystem class.

It’ll become a lot more clear when depicting the relations in Façade pattern with a UML class diagram.




public interface IPost {

    void create();
    void update(String content);
    void delete();
    void read();

public class EditorService {
    HashMap<String,IPost> posts;

    public EditorService(HashMap<String, IPost> posts) {
        this.posts = posts;

    public int createNewPost(String type){
        if (type.equals("memo")){
            posts.put(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),new Memo());
            return 0;
        } else if(type.equals("note")){
            posts.put(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),new Note());
            return 0;
        }else if(type.equals("reminder")){
            posts.put(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),new Reminder());
            return 0;

        return -1;

    public void edit(String id,String content){
        IPost post = posts.get(id);



Feature photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel


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